Salt Solutions Platform Update 02-02-22

Salt Solutions Platform Update 02-02-22

Article by Team Salt Solutions on (Updated on ) in Updates

Our new dashboard gives you a unified location to access all of your CFA exam study materials, from review materials and quizzes to mock exams.

We're always working to improve Salt Solutions for our candidates! We've made a few updates recently:

  • Implemented a unified dashboard (Learn and Focus), so everything you need to see is now accessible from one location.
  • Refined our "Get Back to It" feature, so you can more easily get back to exactly where you left off.
  • Added exam info pages to our website, featuring tips from our instructors, significant dates, and basic facts for each level of the exam.

Check back later for future Salt Solutions updates and keep pushing on your CFA® exam studies.

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Our free trial includes a full topic, featuring review materials and our question bank with a custom quiz builder. No credit card required.