Salt Solutions Major Platform Update 12-14-21

Salt Solutions Major Platform Update 12-14-21

Article by Team Salt Solutions on (Updated on ) in Updates

CFA exam preparation is always getting better at Salt Solutions. Learn more about our new communications tool and other improvements.

"I have to admit it’s getting better,” goes that old song by The Beatles, “getting better all the time.” That’s the approach we bring to Salt Solutions, too. We’re always working to improve your CFA learning experience on our platform!

And today, we’re introducing one of our biggest updates yet. This Major Update includes not only quality-of-life improvements but also brand-new features to strengthen our partnership with our candidates and keep you motivated as you prepare for your CFA exam.

These updates were created in sync with our CFA Level III update (coming January 2022) but you get to enjoy them right now on Level I and Level II.


Graphic comparing the old Salt Solutions menu to the new fancy menu.

Bringing You Closer to Great Content

We heard feedback from a few users that their path through the content was unclear. Our new sidebar menu, which smoothly expands out of the left side of your home screen, is our solution to simplifying your learning journey.

We designed this sidebar to visually divide our Learn and Focus phases while providing more efficient access to our resources. Enjoy making fewer clicks to reach what you need, including learning materials, review materials, custom quizzes, and practice exams.

Intercom now lives in your profile menu. Visual includes a look at the Salt Solutions profile menu highlighting "ANNOUNCEMENTS."

Maintaining a Connection

Starting today, we are integrating a tool called Intercom into the platform. This communications tool ensures we’re remaining connected with you and responsive to your needs. Intercom allows us to send you messages directly on the Salt Solutions platform, including helpful tips, new articles, advice from our instructors aligned with your learning accomplishments, and more.

Intercom ensures we remain connected with you and responsive to your needs.

Streamlining Your Experience

Where previously Salt Solutions included two dashboards—one devoted to Learn and one to Focus—we have decided to streamline the experience and provide one dashboard (now the “Home” page) that changes depending on where you are in your preparation. We will be implementing the full update over the next few weeks.

For now, you’ll notice that the name of your dashboard has changed to “Home.” Welcome to your new online home at Salt Solutions.

Unified Dashboard: Coming soon

Improving Our Analytics Presentation

What you’ve known as the Focus Dashboard is becoming the Focus Analysis page. In addition to giving this page a new name, we’ve introduced tooltips to inform you on key features as well as provide a broad overview of your accomplishments. Tabs will now give you a more detailed view on individual topics, the trendline of your performance, and your reading and topic activity. Stay informed and motivated with beautiful data.

Stay informed and motivated with beautiful data.

We'd love to hear what you think.

In addition to these four core updates, there are 100+ more updates in the background. But explaining those would make for an article that’s much too long. We'll keep it short.

Take a look around, let us know what you think, and keep your CFA exam preparation moving on Salt Solutions. Contact our team if you have any questions.

Start your trial now.

Our free trial includes a full topic, featuring review materials and our question bank with a custom quiz builder. No credit card required.